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Yuanyuan Wu, (2016), Carbon Nanodots as Biolabels for Fluorescence Immunoassays, Oregon State University,
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Somayeh Pasebani, Indrajit Charit, Darryl P. Butt, James I. Cole, Yaqiao Wu, et al., (2016), Sintering Behavior of Lanthana-Bearing Nanostructured Ferritic Steel Consolidated via Spark Plasma Sintering, ADEM Advanced Engineering Materials, 18
Ahmed J. Alsaffar, Kamyar Raoufi, Kyoung-Yun Kim, Gül E.Okudan Kremer, Karl R. Haapala, (2016), Simultaneous Consideration of Unit Manufacturing Processes and Supply Chain Activities for Reduction of Product Environmental and Social Impacts, ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138
Brian K. Paul, Rahul Panat, Christina Mastrangelo, Dave Kim, David Johnson, (2016), Manufacturing of Smart Goods: Current State, Future Potential, and Research Recommendations, J. Micro Nano-Manuf Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 4
Tomoya Aoki, Burak Sencer, Eiji Shamoto, Norikazu Suzuki, Tomio Koide, (2016), Development of a high-performance chip-guiding turning process—tool design and chip flow control, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 85
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Sultan Alsagabi, Indrajit Charit, Somayeh Pasebani, (2016), The Irradiation Performance and Microstructural Evolution in 9Cr-2W Steel Under Ion Irradiation, Springer US, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25
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Aniket K. Dutt, Somayeh Pasebani, Indrajit Charit, Rajiv S. Mishra, (2016), On the creep behavior of dual-scale particle strengthened nickel based alloy, MSA Materials Science & Engineering A, 676


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Somayeh Pasebani, Indrajit Charit, Jatuporn Burns, Sultan Alsagabi, Darryl P. Butt, et al., (2015), Microstructural stability of a self-ion irradiated lanthana-bearing nanostructured ferritic steel, NUMA Journal of Nuclear Materials, 462
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A Tabei, Omar Fergani, Hamid Garmestani, Steven Y. Liang, (2014), Analysis of Micro-texture and Grain Size Distributions in Machined Aluminum Alloy 7075., Advanced Materials Research,
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