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Ziyan Liu, (2018), Novel Interfacial Syntheses of Covalent Organic Frameworks, Oregon State University, M.S.
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Harish Irrinki, John Jangam, Somayeh Pasebani, Sunil Badwe, Jason Stitzel, et al., (2018), Effects of particle characteristics on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 17-4 PH stainless steel fabricated by laser-powder bed fusion, Elsevier BV, Powder Technology, 331
Shingo Tajima, Burak Sencer, Eiji Shamoto, (2018), Accurate interpolation of machining tool-paths based on FIR filtering, Precision Engineering, 52
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Elham Mirkoohi, (2017), Effect of Shape on Nanoparticle Sintering: A Molecular Dynamics Study., Oregon State University, M.S.
Burak Sencer, Shingo Tajima, (2017), Frequency Optimal Feed Motion Planning in Computer Numerical Controlled Machine Tools for Vibration Avoidance, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139
Zhipeng Pan, Donald S. Shih, A Tabei, Hamid Garmestani, Steven Y. Liang, (2017), Modeling of Ti-6Al-4V machining force considering material microstructure evolution, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 91
Sultan Alsagabi, Somayeh Pasebani, Indrajit Charit, Indrajit Charit, Yuntian T. Zhu, et al., (2017), High Temperature Tensile Properties and Related Microstructural Evolution in Grade 92 Steel, Springer International Publishing, Mechanical and Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials,
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Francis James, (2017), Robotic deburring, Oregon State University, M.S.
Jeromy J. Jenks, Radha K. Motkuri, Ward TeGrotenhuis, Brian K. Paul, Peter McGrail, (2017), Simulation and Experimental Study of Metal Organic Frameworks Used in Adsorption Cooling, Heat Transfer Engineering Heat Transfer Engineering, 38
Shidong He, (2017), Deposition and Characterization of Thin Films, Oregon State University, M.S.
Burak Sencer, Alper Dumanli, (2017), Optimal control of flexible drives with load side feedback, CIRP Annals, 66
Peng Wang, Zhaoyan Fan, David O. Kazmer, Robert X. Gao, (2017), Orthogonal Analysis of Multisensor Data Fusion for Improved Quality Control, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139
Deok-Hie Park, (2017), Aqueous Niobium Chemistry at Low pH: New Precursors for Oxide Thin Films, Oregon State University, Ph.D.
A Tabei, FH Abed, GZ Voyiadjis, H Garmestani, (2017), Constitutive modeling of Ti-6Al-4V at a wide range of temperatures and strain rates, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 63
Patrick S. McNeff, Brian K. Paul, (2017), Predicting the Force Needed to Create a Compression Seal in an Ultrathin Elastoviscoplastic Membrane, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 5
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Ryan H. Mansergh, (2017), Reaction Pathways of Oxo-Hydroxo Group 5 Clusters to Metal Oxide Thin Films, Oregon State University, Ph.D.
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Somayeh Pasebani, Indrajit Charit, Ankan Guria, Yaqiao Wu, Jatuporn Burns, et al., (2017), A preliminary investigation of high dose ion irradiation response of a lanthana-bearing nanostructured ferritic steel processed via spark plasma sintering, Elsevier B.V., Journal of Nuclear Materials, 495
Dustin Z. Austin, (2017), Atomic Layer Deposition of Multi-Insulator Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors., Oregon State University, Ph.D
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Samuel T. Brannon, (2017), Half Array Architecture for Advancing Microchannel Heat Recuperation to Market, Oregon State University, Ph.D.


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Amin Mirkouei, Raunak Bhinge, Chris McCoy, Karl R. Haapala, David A. Dornfeld, (2016), A Pedagogical Module Framework to Improve Scaffolded Active Learning in Manufacturing Engineering Education, PROMFG Procedia Manufacturing, 5
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Elham Bagherisereshki, (2016), Carbonation Kinetics of SrO By CO2 for Solar Thermochemical Energy Storage, Oregon State University,