Former ATAMI Student Worker, now Ph. D. Physicist, Returns for Visit |
October 11, 2021 PR Newswire |
September 17, 2021 The Oregonian |
August 25, 2020, OSU Newsroom |
June 11, 2020, Business Insider |
March 16, 2020, OSU School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering |
February 20, 2020, The Oregonian |
February 17, 2020, Gazette-Times |
December 2017 Issue, RAPID Manufacturing Institute |
October 2017 Issue, Terra Magazine |
October 2017 Podcast, Engineering Out Loud |
June 2017 Issue, In-Pharma Technologist Pharmaceutical company W.R Grace & Co announces plan to use ATAMI tentant company Valliscor's technology W.R Grace & Co has announced its intention to start making fluorinated pharmaceutical intermediates with technology obtained from Valliscor LLC. |
June 2017 Issue, OSU News and Research Communications "Smart manufacturing" initiative for PNW business and industry Last month the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute, of which OSU is a part, was announced as a major new manufacturing hub to spur advances in smart sensors, digital process controls, and many other efforts to improve the efficiency of U.S. advanced manufacturing. |
February 2017 Issue, Terra Magazine |
December 2016 Issue, OSU News and Research Communications OSU, PNNL to lead part of a major nation program in 'chemical process intensification' Oregon State University and the Pacific Northwest Laboratories will co-direct a key component of a new five-year, $70 million advanced manufacturing institute, with the goal of greater energy efficiency, increased manufacturing innovation, and more jobs in the nation's chemical industries. |
September 2016 Issue, Oregon Business A conversation with Sam Angelos about ATAMI and advancing advanced manufacturing at OSU Director Sam Angelos discusses ATAMI's mission at the convergence of state-of-the-art technology and commercialization and the vision that drives the institute's near and long term goals |
September 2012 Issue, Terra Magazine OSU professor, Douglas Keszler, talks about the importance of reducing waste and increasing efficiency Keszler and a team of scientists and engineers at Oregon State and the University of Oregon are leading a national consortium bent on greening the flat-panel display industry. In their future, windows, mirrors, walls and counters could display messages and harvest solar energy. |
May 2011 Issue, DJC Oregon TopProjects: OSU ONANMI MBI Buildout submitted by Andersen Construction Housed on Hewlett-Packard’s Corvallis campus, the Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnoogies Institute at Oregon State University features 14 new research labs for the development of cutting-edge technology. |
August 2010 Issue, Gazette Times Micro Industry Tap Area Potential One of the most successful products in the modern world — the inkjet printer — was developed in Corvallis by Hewlett-Packard engineers who found ways to move precisely measured volumes of ink through tiny nozzles. |