This is a highly efficient SEM that has a simple, easy user interface. Samples can be quickly and easily exhanged through the chamber door. The Bruker EDX system is a powerful analytical tool, used for qauntitative and qualitative elemental analysis. A Cressington Au/Pd coater is available in the lab for coating charging samples.
- Capability: SEM-EDX
- Characterization of parts and materials in process at ATAMI.
- Low cost, efficient SEM/EDX for internal and external customers.
- High resolution surface imaging.
- Elemental analysis.
- Surface roughness mapping and analysis.
Specifications and Features
- Make/model: Hitachi TM-4000
- SE and BSE imaging with 10-50k X magnification.
- 5, 10, 15 kV accelerating voltages.
- Low vacuum mode for charging samples.
- Sample size up to 80mm in diameter and 50mm height.
- 40 x 35 mm XY stage travel.
- Tilt holders available.
- Simple windows PC user interface.
Documents and Links
- Standard Operating Procedure
- Supplier website - Hitachi
- Wikipedia article on Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscpy
- Nice introduction to EDX by Mats Halvarsson of Chalmers University of Technology
- Good imaging tutorial from JEOL
- Good introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy from JEOL
- Cool SEM simulator/trainer from MyScope Training Australia
- OSU Electron Microscopy Facility
- Lehigh University SEM simulation software tools